Sentry 2.0 Obudowa PC w formacie konsoli do gier
 Sentry 2.0 Console-sized gaming PC case
FAQ - Często zadawane pytania
Frequently Asked Questions
- How can I order Sentry 2.0 case?
- Sentry 2.0 was available for pre-order to be manufactured on indiegogo for over two months since start of April 2019. We are not taking orders for the Sentry cases outside of such organised production of a batch.
- When will Sentry 2.0 be available for order again?
- We will not state any specific dates before we are ready to manufacture the next batch.
- Will it be released directly into retail?
- No, at least not right after the campaign - Sentry 2.0 was crowdfunded like the original Sentry because the interest in the case is far greater than what we can invest to stock up for and manufacturing in small batches would only inflate the price of the final product. We aim to get to a point where we can sell our cases off‑shelf directly from us, but please note that making PC cases is not our main line of business, so it might not happen right after the campaign cases are delivered as we have other projects always lined up and waiting to be handled
- Will it come in white powder coating?
- White Sentry 1.1 was powder coated in external paint shop which added unnecessary complexity to the logistics of production. We have decided to suspend production of white color variant until we can maintain continuous production of black cases.
- Will it be bigger than original Sentry?
- Sentry 2.0 is still the same size as original Sentry. We have redesigned internal structural components and slightly moved component locations inside but the shape and volume of the case remains the same.
- Will it come with internal dust filters?
- Sentry 2.0 will not have internal dust filters. It will fit external magnetic DemciFlex filters designed for original Sentry as vent locations and dimensions didn't change significantly. Please note that they will reduce airflow and thermal performance.
- Will it fit my GPU inside Sentry 2.0?
- It will depend on its size. GPUs come in many sizes and vendors are often using different measuring points to check length and height of the unit, so You have to be careful when deciding on the GPU. See the specifications section on this page and the manual for reference on compatibility or check your GPU with this spreadsheet:
Sentry GPU Compatibility Spreadsheet - Will it have USB3.1 type-C front panel connector?
- Sentry 2.0 will not support USB3.1 type-C connector on the front panel until there is a standardized pci bracket type cable with both type-A and type-C connectors. We cannot support type-C as additional front panel connector because single type-C takes same amount of bandwidth as two type-A connectors. There needs to be either second connector on the motherboard (yet not standardized - proprietary ASUS connector) or USB hub on a PCB which would take too much space to fit in Sentry.
- Will it have RGB power switch?
- Sentry 2.0 will not have RGB power switch. There is no standardized RGB power switch of the type Sentry uses and testing each switch would add unnecessary complexity to the product completion process.
- Will it fit M.2 under the motherboard?
- Sentry is designed according to ATX form factor specification, therefore it has to have clearance of at least 6.35mm below the motherboard. Sentry has 7mm of clearance under the motherboard with additional cutout reducing weight making it 8mm at the center of the board. M.2 drive requires around 5.5mm of clearance underneath the motherboard so it will fit. Note that You will have to install M.2 on the motherboard before mounting the board itself inside Sentry, since there is no dedicated removable access panel for that.
- What components should I choose for my build?
- Using ~65W TDP CPU in tandem with ~150W GPU is optimal and tested configuration. For storage we recommend using M.2 SSD for system and applications with single 2.5” hard disk drive for data storage.
- What type of cooling for the CPU should I use?
- Unless You need to use low profile 37mm max cooling because the CPU socket is next to pci-e slot on Your motherboard, using standard flower style cooler like intel 65W TDP, 47mm “box” cooler will be optimal for maintaining the airflow around whole motherboard. Using cooler with classic fan in a frame directly touching the cover may end up being loud and is not recommended.
- What type of cooling for the GPU should I use?
- That depends on the orientation in which You want to use Sentry the most: For horizontal orientation we recommend using blower style cooled GPU’s because they will utilize both bottom and side vents as cold air inlets and blow out hot air at the back of the case. For vertical orientation we recommend using open air cooled units which two or three fans because they will be able to perform close to open-case configuration in this orientation.
- Can I mount 92mm AIO liquid cooler in Sentry 2.0?
- There is no dedicated mount for 92mm radiator in Sentry 2.0. Asetec 545LC (the only 92mm AIO liquid cooler currently available) has a 35 mm thick radiator which makes it really hard for its tubes to bend under the case cover. Each radiator has solid connectors inside the tubes which reduces the space to bend the tubes.
- Can I mount 15mm 2.5" HDD inside Sentry 2.0?
- 15mm thick 2.5" drives are not supported in Sentry 2.0. Maximum supported thickness for 2.5" HDD is 10.5mm. If you need more storage, you may install 3.5" drive, but that will limit length of the GPU to 170mm.
- What happened to original Sentry? Can I still buy it?
- Sentry 1.1 was discontinued due to requirement of production improvements. Design had to be updated before we could continue production in efficient manner. We have decided to update functionality along required technological updates.
- Where can I get the manual for original Sentry?
- Manual for Original Sentry can be found here
Nagradzany i chwalony projekt
Praised, award winning design
Kompaktowa i wszechstronna konstrukcja
Compact and versatile construction
Złoty środek rozmiaru, wydajności i konfigurowalności
The sweet spot of size, performance and customization
Device | Volume | CPU | CPU perf. | GPU | GPU perf. | PSU |
Big Tower | 70L | Socket | Best | Full Size | Best | ATX |
Midi Tower | 36L | Socket | Best | Full Size | Best | ATX |
ITX Shoebox | 20L | Socket | Best | Full Size | Best | ATX |
ITX Desktop | 12L | Socket | Best | Full Size | Best | SFX-L |
ITX Cube | 10L | Socket | Best | Single Slot | Average | SFX |
Sentry 2.0 | 7L | Socket | Best | Full Size | Best | SFX |
Console | 7L | Embedded | Average | Embedded | Average | External |
ITX Micro | 6L | Socket | Average | Low Profile | Average | Flex/TFX |
Proprietary | 5L | Mobile | Average | Mobile | Average | External |
ITX Thin | 3L | Socket | Average | Embedded | Poor | External |
Intel NUC | 1L | Embedded | Average | Embedded | Poor | External |
Zaprojektuj własną stację gier - narzędzie konfiguracyjne Sentry 2.0
Design Your own gaming station - Sentry 2.0 configuration tool
Program automatycznie zablokuje i wyszarzy niekompatybilne konfiguracje części.
Program will automatically disable and grey-out incompatibile part configurations.

Procesor zdala od PCI-E
CPU far from PCI-E
Procesor blisko PCI-E
CPU close to PCI-E
47mm standardowy
47mm standard height
37mm niski profil
37mm low profile
120mm chł. wodne
120mm liquid cooler
305mm Standardowa
305mm Standard
267mm Referencyjna
267mm Reference
200mm Standardowa
200mm Standard
170mm Nadwymiarowa
170mm Oversized
170mm Jednoslotowa
170mm Single Slot
M2 - 2.5" 10.5mm
M3 - 3.5" HDD
M4 - 3.5" HDD
Dane Techniczne
Technical Data
Główne punkty montażowe napędów:Main drive installation mounts:
1 x 2.5" (10.5mm thick max) częściowo nad płytą główną1 x 2.5" (10.5mm thick max) partially above motherboard
1 x 2.5" (10.5mm thick max) obok zasilacza SFX1 x 2.5" (10.5mm thick max) next to SFX power supply
Zapasowe punkty montażowe napędów:Secondary drive installation mounts:
2 x 3.5" wewnątrz komory karty graficznej2 x 3.5" inside VGA bay
Moduły DIMM o standardowym profiluStandard profile DIMM modules
Maksymalnie 31.4mm wysokości pcb/34mm wraz z radiatoramiMax 31.4mm tall pcb/34mm with heatspreaders
Wysokie moduły zablokują możliwość montażu uchwytu dysku 2.5"Tall modules will obstruct 2.5" drive bracket
Pełnowymiarowa karta do użytku bez chłodzenia AIO czy dysków HDD 3.5"Full Length Dual Slot (41mm) GPU for use without AIO Liquid Cooling or 3.5" HDDs
Krótka karta w formacie ITX do użytku z chłodzeniem AIO lub jednym dyskiem HDD 3.5"ITX-sized Dual Slot (41mm) GPU for use with AIO Liquid Cooling or single 3.5" HDD
Sentry GPU Compatibility Spreadsheet 
Gniazdo procesora daleko od gniazda PCI-E:CPU Socket far from PCI-E Slot:
Max. wysokość 47mm (standardowa dla chłodzenia BOX firmy intel)Max height of 47mm (standard intel box cooler height)
120mm Chłodzenie wodne, max. wysokość radiatora z wentylatorem 50mm120mm All-In-One Liquid Cooler, radiator + fan max height of 50mm
Gniazdo procesora blisko gniazda PCI-E:CPU Socket near the PCI-E Slot:
Max. wysokość 47mm, pierwszy punkt montażowy napędu 2.5" zablokowanyMax height of 47mm and primary 2.5" mount obstructed
Max. wysokość 37mm, pierwszy punkt montażowy napędu 2.5" dostępnyMax height of 37mm and primary 2.5" mount available
Harmonia ponad stu elementów
Harmony of over 100 elements